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See Research StudiesDear Ivy Exec Members,
I hope you enjoyed and found value in the Advancing On The Job series shared over the past few months. As we enter a new phase of the year, I would like us to switch gears and focus on the theme of networking for success. This is a critical, career-long activity that all professionals must engage in, but many find challenging, whether driven by their personality (shy/introverted), their affinity-level for the activity itself (some just don’t like doing it), or the universal challenge of attaining and keeping the attention of other busy professionals.
While it’s true that hiring tends to slow down during the summer months due to vacations and fiscal year end’s (for some industries), contrary to popular belief for those in a serious job hunt, it is not the time for you to slow down too. In fact, the summer lull in business can be a great time for you to press into your networking activity for two reasons: 1) in this more relaxed time of year, busy professionals may have more time to connect and chat with you; and 2) if yours is not an urgent search, you can focus on laying the groundwork to set yourself up for the traditionally fast-paced fall hiring season with a strong network already in place. With well-researched, targeted, and intentional networking, you could end up as that “just-in-time” hire that an employer may not have known that they needed until they met you.
To this end, I am excited to announce that I will be publishing articles and webinars under the “Networking For Success” (NFS) series banner, from July through to September. Look out for titles ending with the “[NFS]” tag. Some of these articles will also be pinned to the “Must Reads” section of the blog homepage, located on the right-hand side of the homepage for easy access going forward. This article will also serve as a home base/repository to contain the collection of these articles and webinars as they are published over time (scroll down).
I look forward to continuing on this journey with you and supporting your job search, career advancement, and professional development needs through content. If you ever have any suggestions or feedback about the Ivy Exec Insights blog or twice-weekly Insights Newsletter and how they can better serve you, please reach out to me via: [email protected].
Nii Ato Bentsi-Enchill, MA. Ed.M
Senior Content Manager | Ivy Exec
Networking for Success Content Series
Next Level Networking: How to Leverage Your Network for the Career That You Want (WEBINAR)
- Learn about: The five kinds of people you need in your network; Three actionable strategies to build your job-search network in less time; The best strategy for leveraging the network you already have; and Actions you can take right now to build and leverage your network to hit the ground running this fall.
How to Address Ageism Concerns While Networking
- Ageism is a real and valid concern in your job search, but rather than be defensive we can be smart about how to proactively navigate it. Here were explore 3 strategies relating to your perspective, your network, and LinkedIn to help you successfully address ageism concerns while you network.
The Top 5 Networking Mistakes to Avoid Like the Plague
- While networking is a critical activity for any professional, networking missteps can derail your job search or career advancement efforts. Learn the top 5 mistakes job seekers often make and how to resolve them.
Effective Networking for Career Changers
- Networking for career change isn’t the same as everyday professional networking. Given its intentions, there needs to be a different approach. We’ll show you how to orient yourself and how to use the intel you gather in your transition efforts.
Effectively Networking While Unemployed
- Networking can be a challenge under normal circumstances, but any discomfort is greatly magnified when unemployed. Learn 3 strategies to leverage when networking while unemployed to make the process easier and more productive.
How to Craft a Cold Networking Email That Gets Results
- Networking for your job search is a must, but you will not always have a warm contact to reach out to. Learn how to craft a cold networking email that will grab the attention of your contact and help you start a potentially door-opening conversation.
The 20 Best Networking Questions to Ask
- Learn the 20 best networking questions to ask that will help you build rapport and demonstrate interest in others while also gathering important information.
3 Networking Myths — Busted
- Learn the truth behind three networking myths related to: 1) attending networking events; 2) the size of your network; and 3) looking desperate when asking for help. Read on to shift your mindset and adjust your pracices.
How to Interrupt the Endless Networking Cycle and Get Results
- While gaining new contacts is one of the goals of networking, it can be frustrating if it’s the only result you are getting. Learn 4 key strategies to help you get you and/or your documents to the right person by changing your approach.
Networking for Introverts: How to Find Your Comfort Zone
- Networking is challenging for most, but can be additionally so for those who identify as introverts. This isn’t about shyness but about energy output. Learn four strategies and mindset shifts you can make to be more comfortable and effective in your networking efforts.
4 Ways to Provide Value to Your Contacts While Networking
- Most professionals network with the knowledge that to be memorable and get results, it’s important to be a generous giver. However, most aren’t sure what they should offer. Here are 4 specific ways to provide value while networking.
4 Things to Do When Your Network is Exhausted
- If you’re in a long-term job search, at some point you may feel that your network is maxed out and can no longer support you. However, many job seekers reach this conclusion prematurely. We’ll show you 4 ways to shake things up.
Are Networking Events Worth It For You? How to Tell
- For most professionals, weighing the cost-benefit of attending a networking event can be a tricky affair. Here are 5 questions to help you gather the right information to determine whether or not an event is worth your valuable time.
Best Practices in Networking for International Jobs
- As an international applicant, your candidacy is immediately viewed as high-risk. Learn key strategies to employ when networking, to help you build connections and successfully navigate this ambitious adventure.
How to Build a Diverse Network – Why You Should and How to Do It
- If your business network is comprised of people who are just like you, you’re missing out. It’s important to build a diverse network to help ensure that you’ll make the types of connections that can really boost your career. Being proactive here can pay off big dividends. We’ll show you how.