The New Rules of the Job Search (Webinar)

The New Rules of the Job Search (Webinar)

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New Rules of the Job Search

Attention jobseekers: the game has changed! Seismic shifts in how employers find and recruit talent (hint: NOT through job postings), combined with UNPRECEDENTED POWER at your fingertips to set yourself apart from the competition and demonstrate UNIQUE VALUE have created a perfect storm of disruption. Those “in the know” are reaping the lion’s share of benefits (and landing offers in weeks, not months)….while those stuck playing Version 1.0 fall further and further behind.

It’s time to upgrade.

In this fast-paced, myth-busting session, Career Coach to the Fiercely Ambitious Anish Majumdar will introduce you to an entirely new way of job searching. One that corporate interests have ZERO desire to show you…because it positions you as an EQUAL who can create new offers at-will. And that means TRUE POWER over your destiny.

You’ll learn the following new rules of the job search:

  • How to generate more career opportunities in 15 minutes on LinkedIn than 3 hours spent answering job postings.
  • How to tap into the secret language of C-suite executives and key decision-makers. They see the world differently, and don’t play by the same rules as HR and Recruiters. Come across as a fellow member of the tribe, and most of the limitations of a traditional job search IMMEDIATELY fall away.
  • Why a full “target prospect pipeline” is more important than a calendar full of interviews.
  • How to use your LinkedIn profile and other beacons of “social proof” to OUTSOURCE the first impression…and ensure that you’re being seen as a highly credible candidate before ever picking up the phone or showing up for a face-to-face.
  • The NEW role of the resume in hiring, and what yours needs in order to succeed.
  • Hidden triggers that the highest performers use to secure greater leverage, actively control time-to-offers, and break down the defenses which emerge whenever we enter a “cold room.” Yes, you can stand up for yourself and achieve a better life even if you’re TERRIFIED and unsure of yourself…all it takes is the willingness to learn and apply a few of the RIGHT actions.

Also watch: Age-Proofing Your Brand: How to Play the Game Your Way

Anish Majumdar
About the Author
Anish Majumdar

Anish Majumdar is a nationally recognized Career Coach, Personal Branding Expert, and a fierce advocate for transitioning leaders. His posts and videos on disrupting the "normal rules" of job searching and getting ahead reach a combined audience of 30M professionals every month. Go down the rabbit hole of Anish’s career videos at, and connect with him on LinkedIn to receive daily career tips and advice.

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