Even If You Are Desperate For A Job, Avoid These Three Things At All Costs

Even If You Are Desperate For A Job, Avoid These Three Things At All Costs

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It’s tempting to think that being desperate for a job looks positive to hiring managers.

After all, if someone is desperate when job hunting, they will do their best work because they need the job, right?

This makes sense logically, but desperation is often perceived differently by those that are hiring.

Even if you are desperate for a job, there are certain things to avoid doing.

And there are several things you can do to ensure you’re ready for when your job search leads you to your dream position.

Pay Attention to the Job Market

The job market is constantly changing, so staying up-to-date on what’s available is important in your job search.

This isn’t necessarily to find jobs to apply for, but more so that you can get a feel for the hiring companies and the roles they are filling.

Once you have your eye on some companies that you want to work for, you can focus your networking more.

By networking with specific companies in mind, you’re increasing your odds of having a recruiter or hiring manager reach out to you.

The company reaching out first typically puts you in a far better place for negotiating from the beginning.

Apply for Jobs With Intention

Paying attention to the job market is not a time to rapid-fire out 50 resumes.

Just because you’re not paying attention to the job market to send out cover letters and resumes doesn’t mean you can’t if you come across the perfect job.

The key is to apply for positions with intention.

If you’re going to apply, take the time to do it properly—you only get one shot.

Make sure you send an up-to-date resume and a personalized cover letter.

Keep Resume Up-To-Date When Job Hunting

When’s the last time you updated your resume?

If you’re in an active or semi-active job search, it’s important to have your resume ready to go.

Finding that perfect role won’t do much good if you only have an old resume handy.

Here are several things to ensure that you are up-to-date on your resume:

  • Skills: Have you taken any courses or learned new transferable skills?
  • Old Positions: While that entry-level position from 15 years ago may bring great memories, most potential employers now don’t need to know about it.
  • Contact Information: New phone number or email? Make sure you’re easy to get ahold of.
  • Keywords: Even within the same industry, relevant keywords change over time. So, even if you’re not switching career paths, ensure the keywords in your resume are updated.
  • Proofread: You’ve probably read it numerous times, but one more won’t hurt. Nothing is worse than catching a grammatical error in your resume right after sending it to a potential employer.

Include Your LinkedIn Profile on your Resume

LinkedIn is one of the most important social networking tools for the modern job seeker and professional.

Including your LinkedIn profile on your resume is huge because many hiring managers or recruiters will check your profile out as part of reviewing you for the position.

Stay Active on LinkedIn

Having a complete profile is important if you include your LinkedIn on your resume.

But being active on the platform is just as important. 

Here are a few tips for healthy activity on LinkedIn to avoid being desperate when job hunting:

Regular Posting

There are two forms of posting.

One is when you create a post and offer some value.

This could be an industry-related article you write or even just a few sentences. The key is to create some form of value. This positions you as an expert and can be a powerful tool in networking. When posting like this, try and keep it to the same day and time every week.

The other type of posting is by engaging with other people’s content. Like it, share it, and comment on it. When you do these things, you show up in other people’s feeds, and one day you might show up on the right person’s feed.


The more connections that you have on LinkedIn, the better.

As you broaden your network, you have access to more second and third-level connections, which increases your odds of being in contact with someone who wants to interview you.

Don’t go on a “connecting spree” and try to build a network overnight. Dedicate some time to connecting with a handful of people each week. And don’t just send a connection request. Try to add a personalized note to each request.

Another part of networking is joining groups on LinkedIn.

This is where you will find like-minded individuals in your industry. Consistently building these relationships goes a long way in improving the quality of your job search.

What Not to Do

Even if you do all these things right, there are a few things to avoid at all costs because they could derail the whole process. 

Hound the Hiring Manager

Your resume sparked some interest, and you got the interview.

Following up with the interviewer is an integral part of the process.

But if that follow-up becomes hounding, you’ll quickly be passed over.

A good rule of thumb is to ask how and when you should follow up at the end of the interview. And when you do follow up, spin it as a service to them.

Thank the interviewer for their time and ask if there’s any other information they require.

Apply at Multiple Within the Same Company

You only get one shot at a company.

Even if they have multiple roles available, only apply for the one you are most suited for.

Once you have your foot in the door, you could apply for a different division or department down the road.

If you go in guns blazing and apply for all the positions in a company because you really want to work for that company, it can come across as desperate and ruin your chances of a job offer. 

Discussing how Much you Need the Job

There’s never really a time where you should be telling your interviewer how much you need the job.

This doesn’t tell them you are the most qualified individual for the position; it simply tells them you’re willing to do whatever it takes to get a job.

Instead, tell them why you want the job and why you’re the best fit for it.

Closing Thoughts On How To Avoid Being Desperate When Job Hunting

There are lots of jobs out there this year.

Don’t ruin your chances of getting your dream job.

By avoiding a few things and taking the time to prepare for the job search, you’ll set yourself up for success.


Ivy Exec
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Ivy Exec

Ivy Exec is the premier resource for professionals seeking career advancement. Whether you are on the job, or looking for your next one - Ivy Exec has the tools you need.

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