Why Employers Respect Candidates Who Negotiate

Why Employers Respect Candidates Who Negotiate

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Negotiation is a skill that employers respect, even if they don’t necessarily have the wiggle room in the company’s budget to pay you what you’re asking. But negotiating is one of those things that’s easier explained than done. Negotiating can feel awkward, and sometimes, it can even be imposter-syndrome-inducing. 

Imposter syndrome is a condition that’s characterized by extreme self-doubt. It’s the unfounded idea that you don’t belong or aren’t good enough – and that, at some point, those around you will realize that you’re a fraud.

Overcoming imposter syndrome can be a challenge. At least 70 percent of people will become plagued by self-doubt over the course of their careers. Generally, however, imposter syndrome affects successful women more than men. Still, it can hit anyone – and it can hit hard. 

Women, studies show, expect between three and 32 percent lower salaries than those men for the exact same roles, according to research cited in Women Don’t Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide.

Imposter syndrome is a key reason why many people neglect to negotiate for higher pay or better benefits during the interview process. They doubt whether or not they actually deserve those bigger paychecks. And they feel uncomfortable daring to ask.

Never mind that rejection never feels good. 

But, when you do negotiate, it tells employers that you know what you’re worth – plus a lot more.


3 Reasons Why Employers Respect When You Negotiate


In case you ever needed more reasons to ask for more money or better benefits, here are three ample reasons why employers respect the inquiry.


1️⃣ Negotiating means you know your worth.

Negotiating your pay shows that you’re not willing to settle (even if, quietly, you are). Negotiating shows that you know your worth – even if you’re faking it until you make it. When you negotiate, you’re suggesting that the company pay you more or offer you more benefits because you are worthy of them.

Plus, asking for more because you know you’re worthy of it requires a level of self-respect. And you need self-respect first in order to gain respect from your peers. After all, why should anyone else believe in your skills if you don’t? 


2️⃣ Understanding a fair salary means you understand your market.

When a company makes an offer to you, and you come back with a new number that’s more on par with your industry standard, it shows that you know something important about your industry. Not only do you know how to do your job, but you know what that kind of work is worth. 

It also shows that you’re not a stranger to your field, and you know about what your peers and those in similar roles in other competitor companies are earning. You also know that if the offering company isn’t going to give you fair pay, another competitor could – and that’s a kind of confidence that’s commendable in the workplace.


3️⃣ Most employers expect you to negotiate.

The reality is that the salary package that most employers will hit you with is not their final offer. They’re likely lowballing you and probably plan to end up meeting you somewhere in the middle. That’s partially why 85 percent of Americans who negotiate with a counteroffer are successful, according to Fidelity Investments research. 

Even if there’s the off-chance that the company offering you a job does not have any room to budge on pay, it’s not unheard of for you to ask – and they’ll likely respect you doing so, so long as what you ask for is within reason. In fact, you’re most likely not the first job candidate to ever negotiate with the company. 


Negotiating doesn’t just mean picking a number and throwing it out there. You need to do your research about what is considered fair pay for your industry, role, and experience. And you should try to find out a bit about the company, such as what others are earning there.

There are tons of tools to help you negotiate better, including a gamut of resources on Ivy Exec.

Learn more about what to say to get what you want, other effective tips for negotiating successfully, and even how to negotiate before the initial offer, so the ball is in your court.

AnnaMarie Houlis
About the Author
AnnaMarie Houlis

AnnaMarie Houlis is a nomadic journalist, an audacious activist and an adventure aficionado. She covers everything from equity and inclusion in the workplace and career development to health, women’s empowerment and travel. You can read her work on her portfolio, AnnaMarieHoulis.com.

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