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How To Improve Chances of Landing Interviews Without an Active LinkedIn Profile?
LinkedIn is the most popular platform for career networking. After all, it boasts 830 million members with tens of millions of companies and tens of millions of job openings for those companies. That’s why many professionals use LinkedIn to hunt for jobs and apply for open positions. But, of course, you don’t need a LinkedIn […]

Troubleshooting Your Job Search After Unsuccessful Interviews
It’s happened again: you made it through the screening interview with a company, then the interview with the hiring panel. But then you receive a call from the recruiter about the status of the position, and they tell you that “they’ve had a competitive hiring and chose another candidate.” Another rejection. This has happened with […]

10 Tips to Succeed on a Telephone Interview
With remote and hybrid work environments in full swing post-pandemic, telephone interviews are more important than ever. Recruiters and hiring managers find phone interviews to be an effective method for either screening candidates or as a step earlier in the interview process, but it’s not quite as easy for candidates. A phone interview can quickly […]

Proven Strategies for Selling Yourself to an Interviewer When You’re Overqualified
Nothing is more frustrating than missing a job opportunity due to being overqualified. Why wouldn’t a company want to hire you if you are interested in the job and more than qualified for all of the requirements and responsibilities? What Does “Overqualified” Really Mean? The hard truth is that there is no such thing as […]

How to Articulate Your Reason for Job Change in a Positive Light
In a job interview, you’re likely to receive a question about the reason for your job change. You may have positive reasons for leaving like there is no room for advancement at your current company or you want to change fields. Or, you could have a negative reason, like you don’t get along with your […]

How to Answer Desired Salary Questions on Job Applications
During the application for just about any job, you’re likely to be asked about your desired salary. Often, you’ll even be asked multiple times. This question can stress job seekers. If you give away your desired salary too early, the employer may end up paying you less than they might have otherwise. If you ask […]

8 Online Tools to Help You Optimize Your Hiring Process
Organizations are constantly competing to hire the best talent because that’s what will get them the competitive edge they need to thrive in the cut-throat business environment. Did you know? The top candidates in any industry are off the market in just ten days. In sharp contrast to this, Glassdoor reports that an average recruiting […]

6 Situational Interview Questions You Are Bound to Be Asked
Before we delve into what situational interview questions you should be asking prospective employees, we should talk about the different kinds of interview questions that are out there. Just as there are many types of interviews — like phone interviews, second interviews, HR interviews, informational interviews, panel interviews, and group interviews — there are many types of interview […]

How to Explain a Work Gap When Returning to Corporate
If you’ve found yourself unemployed for some reason at any time in your career and are seeking a return to a corporate job position, then you may need to explain that work gap to a hiring manager. While it’s not necessarily a “make-or-break” detail in your job application, it should be handled with tact, as […]

Why You Should Not Follow Most Interview Advice out There
“But above all, in order to be, never try to seem.” This is a quote by Albert Camus that always stuck with me. Authenticity is something that we all like. Yet we rarely show it in the workplace. Why is that? The professional setting has changed significantly since the start of corporations. People have become more […]

What Is the Best Way To Answer an Interview Question About a Time You Failed?
You’re in a first-round interview, and it’s been going great. You’ve been able to share your most valuable skills and experience with the employer, and they seem impressed. But then they pitch you one of the most dreaded interview questions: “Tell us about a time you failed at work.” Your heart starts racing. How should […]